Grey's Anatomy 14x21 Promo "Bad Reputation" (HD) Season 14 Episode 21 Promo

Grey's Anatomy 14x21 "Bad Reputation" Season 14 Episode 21 Promo - The hospital brings in crisis management to help them sort out allegations against Harper Avery.

Grey's Anatomy 14x21 "Bad Reputation" Season 14 Episode 21 Promo - The hospital brings in crisis management to help them sort out allegations against Harper Avery.

Meanwhile, Nurse Olivia shows up at Grey Sloan with her son, throwing Alex and Jo for a loop; and Arizona decides to spend more time with Sofia who is having a hard time at school, on “Grey’s Anatomy,” Thursday, April 26th on ABC, streaming and on demand. Subscribe to tvpromosdb on Youtube for more Grey's Anatomy season 14 promos in HD!

Grey's Anatomy 14x21 Promo/Preview "Bad Reputation"
Grey's Anatomy Season 14 Episode 21 Promo
Grey's Anatomy 14x21 Promo "Bad Reputation" (HD)

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