Siren 1x06 Promo "Showdown" (HD)

Siren 1x06 "Showdown" Season 1 Episode 6 Promo - When Ben and Maddie attend his mother’s fundraising gala, an unexpected guest shows up and offers to put an end to the overfishing that’s threatening the lives of the mermaids in Bristol Cove.

Siren 1x06 "Showdown" Season 1 Episode 6 Promo - When Ben and Maddie attend his mother’s fundraising gala, an unexpected guest shows up and offers to put an end to the overfishing that’s threatening the lives of the mermaids in Bristol Cove.

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Siren 1x06 Promo/Preview "Showdown"
Siren Season 1 Episode 6 Promo
Siren 1x06 Promo "Showdown" (HD)

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